=== Ninja Forms - Add-on Manager === Contributors: kbjohnson90, kstover Donate Link: https://ninjaforms.com Tags: forms, add-ons, remote installation Requires at least: 5.1 Tested up to: 5.3 Stable Tag: 3.0.13 License: GPLv2 or later Install Ninja Forms add-ons with a single click == Description == The Ninja Forms Add-on Manager allows you to install any purchased Ninja Forms add-ons without a zip file. It also installs and activates licenes automatically, so there's no need to copy/paste licenses. = Installation == 1. Install and activate Ninja Forms 1. Visit your Ninja Forms plugin dashboard (the place where all your forms are listed) 1. Click on the Services tab, then click Setup in the Add-on Manager section == Frequently asked questions == Q. Is this the final release of the plugin? A. No. The Ninja Forms Add-on Manager is currently in an open beta. Q. Who can use the Ninja Forms Add-on Manager? A. Anyone who has purchased a Ninja Forms add-on can install it using this plugin. == Upgrade Notice == * Fixed a false-positive version check. == Changelog == = 3.0.13 = * Fixed a false-positive version check. = 3.0.12 = * Updated the package download URL. = 3.0.11 = * Initial release.